Submit Project Ideas for Florida’s Third Restoration Plan

The public is invited to submit ideas for water quality restoration projects for Florida's third Restoration Plan.

The Florida Trustee Implementation Group invites you to submit project ideas for restoration in Florida. 

For our upcoming third post-settlement restoration plan, we would like your project ideas regarding restoration of water quality.  

Addressing water quality can use a range of approaches to enhance ecosystem services and recreational use along the Florida Gulf coast by reducing pollutants, nutrients, and pathogens discharged to coastal watersheds and improving hydrology. These restoration approaches might include: reducing pollution and hydrologic degradation; reducing nutrient loads; creating, restoring, and enhancing coastal wetlands; and protecting and conserving marine, coastal, estuarine, and riparian habitats. (For additional information, see the Trustee Council Programmatic Restoration Plan Sections 5.5.5, 5.D.1.1, 5.D.1.7, 5.D.2)  

We will use a portion of the settlement funds from the Florida TIG’s Water Quality Restoration Type allocation for these types of restoration projects.  

Please submit your project ideas to: Trustee Council’s portal or the Deepwater Horizon Florida portal.(link is external) We will accept project ideas submitted or updated to the portals between November 7 and December 22, 2022. If you previously submitted a project idea, you will need to update it for consideration under this solicitation. 

If you have questions or need assistance please contact  

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