April 11 Public Webinar: Mesophotic and Deep Benthic Communities Restoration

A Roughtongue bass swims among a colorful group of gorgonian octocorals in the northern Gulf of Mexico. (NOAA)

The Open Ocean Trustees invite you to learn more about restoration underway for the Mesophotic and Deep Benthic Communities projects during a public webinar on April 11.  

Four interconnected projects were approved in the second Open Ocean restoration plan to advance our ability to manage, protect, and restore these important Gulf of Mexico ecosystems that were injured by the Deepwater Horizon oil spill.  

The first set of at-sea expeditions are complete. You can explore some stats and details from the 2022 expeditions in a recent story published on Gulf Spill Restoration in January 2023. The project teams are also planning their 2023 expeditions, which will get underway this summer.  

The webinar is open to everyone and we encourage your attendance and participation. 

The webinar will begin at 11:00 a.m. CT with updates about the outcomes of planning and restoration activities to date, as well as planned activities for 2023.  We’ll also provide an opportunity for questions and answers after the updates are presented. 

​After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with information on how to join. We recommend performing a GoToWebinar system check before attending. Following the webinar, we will post the webinar presentations on the Gulf Spill Restoration website, available through the Open Ocean Restoration Area page. Additionally, an email will be sent with information on how to access a recording of the webinar. 

More Information 

Please contact us at gulfspill.restoration@noaa.gov by April 5 if you need accommodations for audio or visual accessibility.  

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