Louisiana Trustees Release Final Restoration Plan for Queen Bess Island

An adult pelican greets juveniles on Queen Bess Island.

The Louisiana Trustee Implementation Group has released its Final Phase 2 Restoration Plan and Environmental Assessment #1.1: Queen Bess Island Restoration (PDF, 77 pages). The plan is consistent with the Trustees’ Programmatic Restoration Plan and includes activities for restoring natural resources and services injured or lost in Louisiana due to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill.

The Queen Bess Island Draft Restoration Plan evaluated two design alternatives for restoration of bird habitat, plus a no action alternative. The preferred alternative would create 30 acres of brown pelican habitat and 7 acres of tern and skimmer habitat. The Trustees presented the draft at a public meeting held on January 3, 2019, and collected public comments through January 22, 2019. After consideration of the comments received, the Trustees selected the preferred alternative and completed the final plan. The total estimated cost of the project is $18.71 million. This includes an estimated $2 million in engineering and design and $16.71 million for construction, maintenance, monitoring, adaptive management, and any future engineering and design costs required.

View the full Final Phase 2 Restoration Plan and Environmental Assessment #1.1: Queen Bess Island Restoration (PDF 77 pages).

Read more: Island Restoration Project Expected to Play Key Role in Future of Brown Pelican >>