Welcome to the Alabama Trustee Implementation Group


The Alabama Trustee Implementation Group welcomes the opportunity to continue to restore Alabama’s coastal resources. We will restore and conserve habitat, work to improve water quality, and replenish and protect coastal and marine species such as sea turtles, marine mammals, birds, and oysters. Additionally, we look forward to enhancing recreational opportunities for the public.

The Alabama and federal trustees will work together to restore the natural resources and natural resource services that were injured by the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. In accordance with the goals of the Trustees’ comprehensive restoration plan, we will develop project-specific restoration plans for public review and comment. Upon approval of these plans, implementation and monitoring of the selected projects will begin. As part of this ongoing restoration process, we encourage the public to continue submitting project suggestions.

Please feel free to contact us with any questions or thoughts. We are excited to work together to restore Alabama’s Gulf Coast.