Notice of Initiation for Restoration Plan Drafting in Mississippi


The Mississippi Trustee Implementation Group has initiated drafting its 2016-2017 Restoration Plan/Environmental Assessment. This is its first restoration plan to begin addressing natural resource injuries from the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. It will be drafted consistent with programmatic restoration plan.

We began this restoration planning effort on May 27, 2016, by requesting project ideas from the public. We requested project ideas that could benefit the following natural resources: wetlands, coastal and nearshore habitats; water quality through nutrient reduction (nonpoint source); birds; and oysters.

For the upcoming plan, we intend to focus on the following restoration types:

  • wetlands, coastal, and nearshore habitats;
  • nutrient reduction (nonpoint source); and
  • birds.

The plan will explain the rationale for this approach and will include proposed projects related to the restoration efforts for each of these restoration types. It will also provide information on proposed funding for each project. The public will be given the opportunity to review and provide input on the proposed plan, including specific projects proposed for implementation. 

We greatly appreciate the input provided to date. Project ideas are being reviewed, and will continue to be considered in our restoration planning efforts.