Florida Trustees Release Draft Restoration Plan I


The Florida Trustee Implementation Group, released its Draft Restoration Plan I and Environmental Assessment (PDF, 537 pg). The draft plan is consistent with the Trustees’ Programmatic Restoration Plan and proposes projects for restoring natural resources and services injured or lost as a result in Florida caused by the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. 

In light of the impacts of Hurricane Michael on our coastal communities and resources, the Florida trustees extended public comment on the draft plan to December 28, 2018. More information on how to provide public comment is below.

Project Alternatives

Draft Restoration Plan I evaluates 32 project alternatives, plus the no action alternative for each restoration type, and proposes 24 projects for funding. The restoration activities proposed in this draft plan includes projects that address the following restoration types:

  • Habitat projects on federally managed lands.
  • Nutrient reduction.
  • Water quality.
  • Provide and enhance recreational opportunities.

These projects will help restore and benefit wetlands, coastal, and nearshore habitats on federally managed lands; improve water quality and hydrology by reducing sources of pollution and restoring more natural flows to increase the overall health and productivity of these ecosystems; and enhance the public’s access to the surrounding natural resources and increase recreational opportunities.

The alternatives proposed for funding in the draft plan have a total estimated cost of $62 million.

Public Engagement, Comment Period and Meeting

Public Meeting and Webinar

We held a public meeting on October 2, 2018. The public webinar for the Florida Trustee Implementation Group's  Draft Restoration Plan 1 and Environmental Assessment, which was postponed due to Hurricane Michael, has been rescheduled for Thursday, December 13, 2018 from 1:30 – 4:00 PM Eastern Time

Other Opportunities to Comment

Comments can also be submitted online or mailed to:

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

P.O. Box 49567

Atlanta, Georgia 30345

We will accept public comments through December 28.

Florida's Draft Restoration Plan I and Environmental Assessment Documents

Draft Restoration Plan I and Environmental Assessment with Appendices PDF, 537 pg
Draft Restoration Plan I and Environmental Assessment Fact Sheet PDF, 3 pg
Provide and Enhance Recreational Opportunities Restoration Type Fact Sheet PDF, 3 pg
Habitat Projects on Federally Managed Lands Restoration Type Fact Sheet PDF, 2 pg
Nutrient Reduction and Water Quality Restoration Types Fact Sheet PDF, 4 pg
Federal Register Notice Website link