The Open Ocean Trustee Implementation Group presented webinars on October 16 and 17, 2018. The webinars provided an overview of the Open Ocean Draft Restoration Plan 1 and Environmental Assessment for Birds and Sturgeon and described next steps in the restoration planning process.
We also provided overviews of the Open Ocean Trustee Implementation Group, the settlement with BP for damages caused by the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, and the Trustees’ programmatic restoration plan developed to address those damages. Combined, the webinars had more than 50 attendees.
We are accepting comments on Draft Restoration Plan 1 through November 9, 2018. You may submit comments by one of the following methods:
- Via the Web:
- Via U.S. Mail to: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, P.O. Box 49567, Atlanta, GA 30345.
You can download the presentation (PDF, 28 pg) as well as a script of the remarks (PDF, 11 pg) from the webinar. The Draft Plan, and related fact sheets, can be found in our October 9, 2018 announcement.
Please contact Nanciann Regalado, for further information.
October 16 and 17 Draft Plan Webinars Presentation | PDF, 28 pg |
October 16 and 17 Draft Plan Webinars Remarks | PDF, 11 pg |