The Louisiana Trustee Implementation Group has approved $507,237 in Monitoring and Adaptive Management (MAM) funding to facilitate the development of a programmatic MAM strategy for the Louisiana Restoration Area. Development of the strategy will refine our restoration objectives, and will include:
- Outlining the role of adaptive management in our restoration planning and program management.
- Identifying monitoring and adaptive management priorities that support our restoration planning, implementation, and evaluation.
- Informing decision making for prioritization and funding of MAM activities.
- Outlining a process to ensure public transparency.
This work will build from the foundation provided by the Trustee Council’s:
- Programmatic Restoration Plan
- Standard Operating Procedures (PDF, 249 pages)
- Monitoring and Adaptive Management Procedures and Guidelines Manual Version 1.0 (PDF, 157 pages)
- 2019 Restoration Monitoring Guidance (Updated Monitoring and Adaptive Management Manual Appendix E)
Many of the activities funded through this approval are direct recommendations from these documents, particularly the 2019 Restoration Monitoring Guidance.
The Water Institute of the Gulf will facilitate this 11-month project which will involve all of the Louisiana implementation group trustees and begin in early 2020.