Louisiana Approves Funding for a Programmatic Monitoring and Adaptive Management Strategy


The Louisiana Trustee Implementation Group has approved $507,237 in Monitoring and Adaptive Management (MAM) funding to facilitate the development of a programmatic MAM strategy for the Louisiana Restoration Area. Development of the strategy will refine our restoration objectives, and will include:

  • Outlining the role of adaptive management in our restoration planning and program management.
  • Identifying monitoring and adaptive management priorities that support our restoration planning, implementation, and evaluation.
  • Informing decision making for prioritization and funding of MAM activities.
  • Outlining a process to ensure public transparency.

This work will build from the foundation provided by the Trustee Council’s:

Many of the activities funded through this approval are direct recommendations from these documents, particularly the 2019 Restoration Monitoring Guidance.

The Water Institute of the Gulf will facilitate this 11-month project which will involve all of the Louisiana implementation group trustees and begin in early 2020.