Shoreline Restoration Work Underway at McFaddin National Wildlife Refuge

Sediment is piped onto the beach to rebuild its dunes.

The Texas Trustee Implementation Group’s Beach and Dune Restoration project at McFaddin National Wildlife Refuge is well underway and will ultimately bring new and improved benefit to visitors.  

The McFaddin Beach and Dune Ridge Project is the final piece of the 2013 Salt Bayou Watershed Restoration Plan (PDF, 40 pages). This project is critical to restoring and protecting the health of the Salt Bayou ecosystem that makes up part of the Refuge. The project will improve the shoreline by widening beaches and adding sand to dunes to better accommodate both wildlife, and the visiting public. Newly constructed dunes will stabilize the shoreline against further erosion and decrease the frequency of salt water intrusion into the Salt Bayou’s fragile marsh system, which acts as vital habitat for an array of fish and wildlife. Planting native vegetation will further reinforce and prolong the life of the dune system.  

Environmental restoration work often requires efforts to protect on-site natural resources, including threatened and endangered species and species of concern. On-site contractors regularly survey project areas and monitor construction activities, and wildlife movements. Heavy equipment operators and other construction crew members regularly attend on-site environmental training.  

Partial beach closures to the public began on August 10, 2022. Construction is expected to continue through December 2023. When project construction is complete, visitors can enjoy 17 miles of restored shoreline from High Island to Sea Rim State Park.  

More information about the work of the Texas Trustee Implementation Group can be found on the Texas Restoration Area webpage.  

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