Alabama Trustees Release Draft Supplemental Environmental Assessment for Marine Mammal Restoration

The Trustees will commit $1,881,237 in additional funds to marine mammal restoration in Alabama (Photo: Joe Miller)

The Alabama Trustee Implementation Group has released a draft supplemental environmental assessment to the 2018 Final Restoration Plan II and Environmental Assessment (PDF, 1218 pages.) The Draft Supplemental Restoration Plan II and Environmental Assessment: Marine Mammals (PDF, 35 pages) is available for public comment for 30 days through April 18, 2024.  

The Trustees are proposing to commit $1,881,237 in additional funds to marine mammal restoration in Alabama. The additional funding would allow for the extension of the Enhancing Capacity of the Marine Mammal Stranding Network in Alabama for at least three years, utilizing the remaining Marine Mammal Restoration Type funds.  

a women with a hat and blue shirt on writes on a labeled test tube

Submit Public Comment 

We’re now asking for public comment on the Draft Supplemental Restoration Plan II and Environmental Assessment. Comments can be made online or submitted by mail:

Comments will be accepted through April 18, 2024. After the public comment period ends, the Alabama Trustee Implementation Group will review, consider, and address public comments before releasing a final Supplemental Restoration Plan II and Environmental Assessment.

Read the Supplemental Restoration Plan II and Environmental Assessment 

Draft Supplemental Restoration Plan II and Environmental Assessment: Marine Mammals (PDF, 35 pages)

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