Restoration work in the Louisiana Restoration Area focuses on restoring wetlands, coastal, and nearshore habitats, restoring water quality and habitat, and replenishing and protecting wildlife and marine resources, such as sea turtles, dolphins, birds, and oysters. We are also providing and enhancing recreational opportunities and restoring habitats on federal lands.
Together, the trustees are restoring natural resources—and the services they provide—that were injured by the spill. We are developing project-specific restoration plans that are consistent with the resource allocations laid out in the programmatic restoration plan (see chart below).
With an understanding that the use of restoration funds will be guided by specific criteria, Louisiana is committed to maximizing its investment in oil spill recovery activities by implementing restoration projects that are consistent with the Louisiana Coastal Master Plan to the extent possible.
As part of the restoration planning process, we are continuing to accept restoration project ideas from the public. The public also has the opportunity to review and comment on proposed project-specific restoration plans for the Louisiana Restoration Area. Once a plan is approved, we will implement and monitor the selected projects.
Restoration Plans
Draft Planon
Final Planon
Draft Planon
Final Planon
Draft Planon
Final Planon
Draft Planon
Final Planon
Draft Planon
Final Planon
Draft Planon
Final Planon
Draft Planon
Final Planon
Draft Planon
Final Planon
Draft Planon
Final Planon
Draft Planon
Final Planon
Draft Planon
Final Planon
Draft Planon
Final Planon
Draft Planon
Final Planon
Draft Planon
Final Planon
Recent News
Looking for a particular news item or document related to the Louisiana Restoration Page? View the story archive.
The Deepwater Horizon Louisiana Trustee
The Louisiana and Open Ocean Trustee
The Louisiana Trustees have created a multifaceted
The Louisiana Trustee Implementation Group is
The Deepwater Horizon Louisiana Trustee
Louisiana’s Coastal Protection and Restoration
Confined to a tidal pond system near Grand Isle
The Deepwater Horizon Louisiana Trustee
Louisiana’s coastal areas are a mosaic of habitats
One of Louisiana’s largest wetland restoration
The Louisiana Trustee Implementation Group, the
The Deepwater Horizon Louisiana Trustee
The Louisiana Trustee Implementation Group, the
The Deepwater Horizon Louisiana Trustee
The Deepwater Horizon Louisiana Trustee
The Louisiana Trustee Implementation Group has
The Louisiana Trustee Implementation Group has
Construction is currently underway on the almost 1
The Louisiana Trustee Implementation Group is
The Louisiana Trustee Implementation Group held a
Construction recently began on the almost 1,200
The Louisiana Trustee Implementation Group is
The Louisiana Trustee Implementation Group held
The Deepwater Horizon oil spill Natural Resource
The Deepwater Horizon Louisiana Trustee
The Louisiana Trustee Implementation Group (TIG)
Stakeholder and community feedback have
The Louisiana Trustee Implementation Group has
The Louisiana Trustee Implementation Group is
Brown pelicans were severely impacted during the
In what turned out to be an extremely challenging
The Trustee Council will hold its sixth annual
The Louisiana Trustee Implementation Group is
The Louisiana Trustee Implementation Group is
The Louisiana Trustee Implementation Group is
On December 9, 2020 construction began on North
The Louisiana Trustee Implementation Group has
The Louisiana Trustee Implementation Group has
The Louisiana trustees recently released the Gear
Update: Information from the September 3 webinar
Update: The September 9 Annual Meeting
The Louisiana Trustee Implementation Group has
The Louisiana Trustee Implementation Group has
The Louisiana Trustee Implementation Group has
The Louisiana Trustee Implementation Group has
The Trustee Council will hold its fifth annual
Ten years ago, a brown pelican was rescued from
In 2019, the Deepwater Horizon Trustees continued
The Louisiana Trustee Implementation Group is
Many of our projects are designed to benefit
We are restoring resources in multiple locations
To make the most of our efforts, we work hard to
Today marks ten years since the Deepwater Horizon
The Louisiana Trustee Implementation Group has
The Louisiana Trustee Implementation Group has
The Louisiana Restoration Area trustees recently
The Louisiana Trustee Implementation Group
Updated on April 17, 2020 - Materials from the
Updated on April 17, 2020 - Materials from the
After consideration of public comments we received
Standing on the newly restored Queen Bess Island
The Louisiana Trustee Implementation Group is
The Louisiana Trustee Implementation Group has
The Louisiana Trustee Implementation Group has
The Louisiana Trustee Implementation Group has
UPDATE - January 21, 2020 1:00 p.m. MT: The
The Louisiana Trustee Implementation Group is
The Louisiana Trustee Implementation Group has
A Deepwater Horizon project to restore 37 acres of
Notice of Intent to Draft Restoration Plan in
The Louisiana Trustee Implementation Group has
The Louisiana Trustee Implementation Group held
The Louisiana Trustee Implementation Group will
Notice of Intent to Draft Restoration Plan in
Following 30 days of input from the public
Notice of Intent to Draft Restoration Plan in
Notice of Solicitation of Project Ideas The
In 2018, the Deepwater Horizon Trustees continued
The Louisiana Trustee Implementation Group
The Louisiana Trustee Implementation Group has
The Louisiana Trustee Implementation Group has
The Louisiana Trustee Implementation Group has
Notice of Intent to Supplement a Restoration Plan
In July, the Louisiana Trustee Implementation
The Louisiana Trustee Implementation Group’s
Trustee staff and partners working to restore bird
The Louisiana Trustee Implementation Group
The Louisiana Trustee Implementation Group
The Louisiana Trustee Implementation Group has
The Louisiana Trustee Implementation Group will
The Louisiana Trustee Implementation Group
In response to public comment on our December 2017
The Trustees are committed to providing annual
The Louisiana Trustee Implementation Group
The Louisiana Trustee Implementation Group
Due to the inclement weather and hazardous road
Public comment period starts December 20
The Louisiana Trustee Implementation Group is
The Louisiana Trustee Implementation Group is
The Louisiana Trustee Implementation Group is
The Louisiana Trustee Implementation Group (TIG)
On July 6, NOAA, the Louisiana Coastal Protection
The Louisiana Trustee Implementation Group is
The Louisiana Trustee Implementation Group is
The Louisiana Trustee Implementation Group is
The Louisiana Trustee Implementation Group is
It’s been one year since we settled with BP and
The Louisiana Trustee Implementation Group is
We're almost finished with construction of the
The Louisiana Trustee Implementation Group has
Due to site issues that arose during planning and
On October 20, the Louisiana Trustee
The Louisiana Trustee Implementation Group has
The Louisiana Trustee Implementation Group is
The Louisiana Trustee Implementation Group
The chart shows the restoration funding allocated to the Louisiana Restoration Area for each restoration goal and the percentage of committed funds as of May 2024. For more information on the allocation of funds, please visit the Department of Justice Deepwater Horizon page.
Monitoring and Adaptive Management
The Louisiana Restoration Area considers monitoring and adaptive management throughout its restoration efforts.
To find project-related monitoring and adaptive management information, click on the project names in the Projects table above or in the interactive project map.
Looking for information about Gulf of Mexico Colonial Waterbirds? View the Avian Data Monitoring Portal.
In addition to project-specific monitoring, we developed a Monitoring and Adaptive Management Strategy (MAM Strategy, PDF, 44 pages) that provides a framework to inform restoration planning and evaluate the outcomes of Louisiana Restoration Area restoration. Learn more about the Louisiana MAM Strategy in a webstory describing the strategy and its goals.
In July 2023, Louisiana approved nine monitoring and adaptive management activities, to help assess the overall effectiveness of Louisiana's restoration outcomes.
Trustee Implementation Group
The trustees for the Louisiana Restoration Area are:
- Louisiana Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority
- Louisiana Oil Spill Coordinator’s Office
- Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality
- Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries
- Louisiana Department of Natural Resources
- U.S. Department of the Interior
- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- U.S. Department of Agriculture
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency